42-Lab is located in the inter-company training center at the ŠC Kranj school and will be available to all teachers and trainers.
SC Kranj is a school center for mechatronics and electronics training as well as for IT and for business. The center cooperates with 300 companies.
42 is the lab for pedagogic innovations and will guide VET trainers in the use of 3D printing and IoT in practical training.
The focus is on practical training. This will equip educational personnel with the relevant skills to work with tailor-made materials and also create them.
The vision of ŠC Kranj is to teach for the professions of the future, so we also need teachers for the future. So come by and create a future.
Learning scenarios
42 Lab offers:
- Webinars on 3D printing (preparing 3D models), Cloud computing, 360 view presentation, Python programming and further topics
- Workshops for teachers of ŠC Kranj about use of modern technologies (3D print and scanning, 360 camera, AR & VR);
- Workshops for external participants (teachers and local companies’ partners) about use of AR &VR, programming, Cloud computing and networking